The fluorescence guided resection project is an NIH funded R01 project.
Project Number: 5R01NS052274-04
Title: Coregistered Fluorescence-Enhanced Resection of Malignant Glioma
Principal Investigator: David W. Roberts, MD
Awardee Organization: Dartmouth College
The brain deformation project is an NIH funded R01 project.
Project Number: 1R01CA159324-01
Title: Preoperative image updating for guidance during brain tumor resection
Principal Investigator: Keith D. Paulsen, PhD
Awardee Organization: Dartmouth College
Clinical Trials
The fluorescence guided resection project is currently enrolling patients in a clinical trial titled Fluorescence Guided Resection of Brain Tumors . Identifier: NCT00870779
Title: Fluorescence Guided Resection of Brain Tumors
Principal Investigator: David W. Roberts
Sponsor : Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
In the News
(Winter, 2009) - Dartmouth Medicine Magazine
(Summer, 2009) - Dartmouth Engineer Magazine
(May, 2009) - Imaging Technology News
(May 6th) - Medscape from WebMD
(May 6th, 2009) - Medical News Today
(May 4th, 2009) - AANS Annual Meeting